Chapter 87 Management of the Law Office-General Comments $0.99 
An overview of how management can make a difference in net income.
Chapter 88 Time Management 101-Finding Time and the To-Do Lists $0.99 
Time management is critical to successful professional success and balancing one’s life. The “To Do” List” is critical for effective time management. How to make and use an effective “To Do List” is explained in this chapter.
Chapter 89 Organizing Your Day and Your Life to Make More Money by Planning and List-Making $0.99 
How to use a “To Do List” to achieve success is explained.
Chapter 90 Managing Telephone Communications-Never Let the Sun Set on an Unreturned Call $0.99 
Telephone call management is critical to client satisfaction and malpractice protection. A basic simple system for keeping records of who said what is provided with forms.
Chapter 91 Organizing Your Desk to Make More Money $0.99 
Your desk is where you will earn much of your income and have many meetings with clients and others. Give thought to what belongs on your desk and where it belongs. This chapter will provide suggestions.
Chapter 92 How to Keep Time Records to Make More Money and to Preserve Evidence of Work Done $0.99 
Accurate time records are absolutely critical in most practices either for billing purposes or management purposes. Learn at least one easy to use system. My system is explained for you to copy.
Chapter 93 Getting Ready for Your First Clients $0.99 
A potential client calls with a potential new matter for you. Now what? This chapter will help you prepare for that client and be ready to get started before they walk in the door.
Chapter 94 Typical Court Forms $0.99 
Court forms are usually available for free from the internet or can be gotten cheaply or for free from the courts. Getting the forms and using them properly will help you practice more efficiently, especially with your first cases in the area of law involved. Learn the best practice areas for getting and using court forms.
Chapter 95 Sample Generic Checklists and Forms $0.99 
More than 100 questions to ask when someone needs a living will or a simple will or has criminal law problem.
Chapter 96 Your First Court Appearances $0.99 
No need to panic when a client wants you to start a lawsuit or has a trial or hearing coming up. Learn what to do.
Chapter 97 How to Interview a Client $0.99 
What to say and do in your first interview with the client or potential client.From the time you say “hello” in the reception room until you say “goodbye” in the reception room.
Chapter 98 What Clients Want: Learn How to Listen to Clients When They Talk (Foonberg’s Rules of Listening) $0.99 
Clients want you to listen more than they want you to talk. Learn the basics.
Chapter 99 How to Conduct a Meeting (Foonberg’s Ten Rules) $0.99 
A well run meeting instills confidence in you. A poorly run meeting will cause clients and potential clients to be concerned over your ability to represent them. Learn Foonberg’s 10 steps to running a meeting.
Chapter 100 Preceptors and Internships $0.99 
Here is a list of things you might want to do to get your feet wet as a new lawyer.
Chapter 101 The MacCrate Report $0.99 
Here is a list of what lawyers do in addition to research and writing.
Chapter 102 Negotiating Skills $0.99 
As a lawyer you will spend much of your time negotiating. These tips can help you negotiate any matter.
Chapter 103 How to Maintain Bank Accounts $0.99 
Bank accounts and bankers are part of your office requirements. The basis of dealing with both is explained.
Chapter 104 How to Maintain a Trust Account to Avoid Disbarment $0.99 
Trust account violations are an express highway to disbarment. I will quote one sentence from this chapter, “if you ignore this section of my book, you are not only a fool, you are a damned fool.”
Chapter 105 Insurance Needs of the New Lawyer $0.99 
What to look for in a malpractice insurance policy as well as other required and useful insurances are explained.
Chapter 106 Don’t Forget Taxes and Licenses $0.99 
Tax and license requirements are easy to overlook. Don’t make that mistake.
Chapter 107 Why You Need a Personnel Manual $0.99 
A personnel manual is an employee – employer Bill of Rights and can prevent or settle many disputes. Typical areas of coverage are set forth.
Chapter 108 Bookkeeping and Accounting Systems $0.99 
Keeping books for income, receipts and trust accounts is not optional. I have prepared a new lawyer chart of accounts for the new lawyer and the CPA.
Chapter 109 The Office Cash Flow Survival Budget $0.99 
Cash flow is essential for survival and for flourishing. A new lawyer 12 month cash flow budget form is included in this chapter.
Chapter 110 The Paperless Office vs. The Less Paper Office $0.99 
Paperless will never be possible. Less paper is possible. Read why this is so.
Chapter 111 Paper and Computer Document Management $0.99 
Law is a paper generating profession. Even information kept in a computer is there in the event a written print out may someday be required. A simple system is enclosed.
Chapter 112 Organizing Your computer Files $0.99 
If you already know Word or Word Perfect or another word processing system skip this chapter.
Chapter 113 Simple Hard-Copy Filing Systems for the New Lawyer $0.99 
Paper files must be organized and maintained.
Chapter 114 Distinguishing Between “Prospective,” “Active,” “Closed” and “Dead” Files $0.99 
Is a file “prospective,” “active,” “closed” or “dead” – learn the difference.
Chapter 115 Closing and Disposing of Files $0.99 
At some point you either have to close files or else get warehouse facilities. Prepare to close the file the day you open it.
Chapter 116 Destroying Old Files $0.99 
Destroying old files can be problematic. A lawyer or client may ask for the “client’s file.” What to give and what to keep is discussed.
Chapter 117 Destroying Old Files When the Client Has Disappeared or You Did Not Follow Proper File-Closing Procedures $0.99 
At some point you may have to destroy a file when you can’t find the client. What to do is spelled out.
Chapter 118 What to Do With Electronic File Data $0.99 
From punch cards to 8″ floppies to memory sticks the highway of law office management is littered with the corpses of equipment and systems that no longer exist or are no longer supported. This check list may help prevent a lot of problems.
Chapter 119 Fondling the Files $0.99 
There is no substitute for periodically examining the file contents. What to look for and what to do is explained. This Chapter contains excellent form letters to send to the client along with a list of who does what.
Chapter 120 How to Build a Good Form File $0.99 
As you practice you will build form files from forms you have created and forms created by others. This chapter will help you start your form files.
Chapter 121 Library Needs and Costs $0.99 
Library expense for books can be a bottomless pit of wasted money. Learn alternative less expensive sources and free sources of what you need in a new
Chapter 122 How to Buy Law Books (If You Buy Them at All) $0.99 
Buying library books can easily be wasted money. Read what to look for.
Chapter 123 Saving Money by Eliminating Postage and Express Delivery Services $0.99 
Email, effectively used can reduce or eliminate postage expense and express delivery expense. Learn when to use email.
Chapter 124 Squeezing Extra Hours into the Day to Make More Money $0.99 
Do the math. Saving 15 minutes/day can allow you to bill $6,000/year more at $100/hour, 30 minutes/day translates into $12,000/year. This chapter includes many time saving tips.
Chapter 125 Timely Delivery of Work $0.99 
Getting the work done on time only requires a simple tickler system and an intent to overcome procrastination. Learn how to do both to get the work done on time.
Chapter 126 Should You Use a Telephone Receptionist, Telephone Exchange, Mechanical Answering Device, Telephone Company Service, or Voice Mail? $0.99 
Whether to try to save the expense of a receptionist is always a difficult decision to make. Read some pros and cons and then decide.
Chapter 127 Why You Should Use Investigators $0.99 
Investigators can make a weak case strong and a strong case stronger. Learn why they can be a good investment.