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How to Start & Build a Law Practice – Individual Chapters

Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1 Why Has This Book Been Written? $0.99

This book was written to save you time and money. Learn how and why it was written.

Chapter 2 The History of This Book $0.99

Hopefully the history of this book will encourage you to “give back” to the

Chapter 3 Have Confidence-You Can Do It: An Historical Perspective $0.99

New lawyers have been asking the same questions for hundreds of years. Learn what Abraham Lincoln wanted you to know.

Chapter 4 Should You Start Your Own Practice? (You Can Do It) $0.99

Most lawyers who start their own law practice either want to or have to. Review some of the pluses and minuses of starting your own practice.

Chapter 5 Am I Competent to Give Legal Advice? $0.99

If you have any doubts or qualms about your competence to practice law, this chapter is a must.

Chapter 6 Should You Work on a Job “for Experience” Before Starting Your Practice? $0.99

Taking a job, “for experience,” may be riskier in most cases than starting your own practice. Review the pitfalls in taking a job “for experience.”

Chapter 7 Being a Contract Lawyer to Get Experience and Money While Building Your Practice $0.99

Doing hourly work for other lawyers while staring your practice can provide both money and experience. This chapter contains more than 20 issues which must be resolved before starting.

Chapter 8 Earning a Living Between Graduation and Opening Your Practice $0.99

You may have to defer opening your law practice for any number of good reasons. This chapter suggests more than 20 different ways you might use your law degree to get a job until you can make the move.

Chapter 9 Should You Start with Another New Lawyer? $0.99

Starting with another new lawyer has both pluses and minuses and can work if done correctly. Read about some things you and the other lawyer most both

Chapter 10 Practicing with Your Spouse $0.99

Although I personally don’t understand how spouses (or similarly connected people) can practice together, there seem to be many advantages to spouses working together in the same office.

Chapter 11 Should You Practice Another Business or Profession While Starting Your Law Practice? $0.99

Practicing another business or profession while starting your law practice can be either good or bad depending on how you do it. Tips on how to do it and traps to be avoided are given in this chapter.

Chapter 12 Should You “Specialize”? $0.99

Starting with specialty areas or a niche practice has both, problems and benefits. Some solutions and suggestions are offered.

Chapter 13 Naming Your Law Firm $0.99

What you will name your law firm should be considered before you start a practice. Some suggestions are offered.

Chapter 14 Sole Practice v. Partnership v. Shared Office $0.99

Sole practice vs. partnership vs. shared office. There are pluses in being alone and other pluses to being with others. Some considerations are offered.

Chapter 15 The Written “Business Plan” $0.99

The written business plan. You should not start your law practice without a written business plan. There are dozens of free business plans available on the internet, and many are sold by consultants who want you as customers for their services and products. This over simplified plan is expressly designed for lawyers starting a practice who have never done a business plan in the past.

Chapter 16 Managing Your Student Loan $0.99

It is rare for a lawyer starting a practice not to have to worry about an unpaid student loan. The basic rules of handling your student loan are set forth.

Part II: Getting Located

Chapter 17 Where Is the Best Place to Open Your Office? (From a Client-Getting Point of View) $0.99

Deciding on the city, the neighborhood, and the specific office has both immediate and long range effect on your success or failure. This chapter provides simple questions which unfortunately may require complex answers.

Chapter 18 Where Should You Locate Your Office for Your First Year or Two? (From a Cost Point of View) $0.99

In determining occupancy costs, there are many plusses and minuses. Proximity
to other lawyers, law libraries, public transportations and many other factors
should be considered. This chapter will point to those considerations.

Chapter 19 Should You Trade “Space for Services”? $0.99

Space for services sounds good. Learn which problems have to be avoided to be successful and at least one alternative way to trade “space for services.”

Chapter 20 How Do You Get the Best Space Arrangement? $0.99

Getting space for your office. If you have never negotiated a lease you need to read this chapter to get the basic requirements for a law office.

Chapter 21 Practicing in a Law Suite $0.99

Practicing in a law suite has both advantages and disadvantages. A review of these advantages and disadvantages can prepare you for what to look for.

Chapter 22 Practicing from Your Home $0.99

In my opinion, practicing from your home should be avoided when possible. When there are no practical alternatives this chapter will tell you what to do and what not to do if you are thinking of practicing from your home.

Chapter 23 Virtual Law Offices $0.99

Virtual law practices are slowly developing. Learn why money invested in a website is probably a better investment than money invested in a couch.

Part III: Getting Equipped

Chapter 24 How Much Cash Do You Need to Start Your Practice? $0.99

Cash flow planning can make the difference between success and failure. Learn what you will need and why.

Chapter 25 How to Get a Rich Relative or Friend to Finance Your Start-up Costs by Offering Tax Advantages $0.99

This chapter contains a plan to give your rich relative a tax break for financing you.

Chapter 26 Checklists of Needs for New Law Office $0.99

Checklists – This chapter is critical. Before you open the doors you will need to do the things outlined in this chapter.

Chapter 27 Office Supplies and Procedures $0.99

Tips for buying office supplies are included along with some simple procedures for using your equipment.

Chapter 28 Personal Computers, Word Processing, and Office Technology $0.99

Office Technology – This chapter covers so much of what you need to know, it takes up to 20 pages of the printed book. This chapter can take much of the anxiety out of buying equipment to stay technologically current.

Chapter 29 Should You Do Your Own Word Processing? $0.99

The pros and cons of doing your own word processing are discussed and this chapter should force you to think about who will do what in your office.

Chapter 30 Should Your Office Furnishings Be Lavish? $0.99

Furnishing your office can be money well spent or a waste of money. Learn the basics of what you should know.

Chapter 31 Announcements, Stationery and Professional Cards, Christmas Cards, and “Mailing Lists” $0.99

The proper use of stationery is critical. Even a common yellow pad if used
properly can make a difference in your practice.

Part IV: Getting Clients

Chapter 32 How to Handle Friends and Relatives $0.99

The proper treatment of friends and relatives is crucial to a new lawyer. If you treat them properly they will be good clients and the sources of good referrals. Learn what to do.

Chapter 33 How to Market Your Services $0.99

Getting the word out proclaiming that you are ready to accept clients is a critical first step in your marketing efforts. Read this chapter and start preparing immediately.

Chapter 34 Cost-Effective Media Advertising $0.99

Yellow pages newspapers and the internet can immediately produce clients and fees. You must know what to do when the phone rings.

Chapter 35 The Internet and Your E-Mail Addresses $0.99

The internet and your e-mail addresses are likely to send important messages about you and your practice.

Chapter 36 Your Web Site(s) $0.99

Your web site. Tips are offered on why you should have multiple web sites.

Chapter 37 The Importance of Accepting and Promptly Returning Telephone Calls $0.99

You were not taught in law school how to manage telephone communications,. You will only succeed if your clients are pleased with the way their phone calls are handled and returned. Learn how to do it.

Chapter 38 Managing Written Communication $0.99

Good paper and email communication is critical to success. Learn the basics along with specific practice including tips and form letters.

Chapter 39 Can You Get Clients from Organizations? $0.99

Getting clients by joining clubs and organizations is no longer the source of clients it once was. Nonetheless, clients can be gotten from clubs and organizations within certain parameters. Learn those parameters.

Chapter 40 Cold Calling to Get Clients $0.99

Cold calling disgusts most lawyers. Yet one form of cold calling can provide both clients and professional satisfaction. Learn how to do it.

Chapter 41 Getting Clients by Using Charities $0.99

Charities can be a good source of good clients. Sample methods are described.

Chapter 42 Insurance Claims Adjusters: A Source of Clients $0.99

Insurance claim adjustors can be the source of a lot of clients or a source of a lot of trouble. Learn what to do and what not to do to get referrals from insurance adjusters.

Chapter 43 Schmooze Your Vendors $0.99

Your vendors can and do need lawyers and are typically able to make large numbers of referrals. They have to be cultivated.

Chapter 44 How to Accept Personal Injury Cases $0.99

How you accept personal injury cases can result in a happy client or in a bar complaint. Personal injury clients often need special attention. You must protect both yourself and the client. Sample form letters are included.

Chapter 45 How to Communicate Settlement Offers to Clients $0.99

Settlement offers must be communicated in a clear precise manner or the client will hear only what they want to hear.

Chapter 46 Representing Seniors $0.99

Representing seniors. Seniors will be the clients who can pay legal fees and who have accumulated wealth. Your office and practice must be senior friendly. Learn how to represent seniors and the benefits and pitfalls of representing seniors. Videotaping pros and cons are set forth.

Chapter 47 Can You Get Clients by Running for Political Office? $0.99

Running for political office was one way lawyers traditionally got their name out to the general public. Some pro’s and con’s are set forth.

Chapter 48 Getting Paid Work from Lawyer Referral Services $0.99

Lawyer referral service. Why lawyer referral services are good investments is set forth.

Chapter 49 Getting Legal Fees and Work from the Government $0.99

Getting legal work from the government may or may not be profitable depending on your situation.

Chapter 50 Getting Legal Work and Fees from Other Lawyers $0.99

Other lawyers can be an excellent source of fees for new lawyers. Learn how to ask for the work.

Chapter 51 Minority and Affirmative Action Work and Money $0.99

If you are, or associate with a member of, a minority, there may be advantages in securing clients and fees including government contracts for legal service without bidding.

Chapter 52 How to Get More Legal Work from Existing Clients by Mining Your Closed Files $0.99

Often a closed file does not presently require further legal work, but may require work in the future. Samples of opportunities that are inherent in “closed files” are given.

Chapter 53 How to Recognize and Handle Conflicts of Interest $0.99

Failure to recognize and resolve a conflict can result in being disqualified to do anything in the matter and you may be required to refund all fees you thought you had earned. Further, you may face bar prosecution. Common, often not recognized, conflicts are illustrated along with forms to allow ethical continual representation.

Chapter 54 How to Keep Clients $0.99

What clients need may not be what they want. What clients want may not be what they need. Several examples of what you can do to help a client, although not necessarily from a legal point of getting a good result, are pointed out.

Chapter 55 How to Satisfy a Client $0.99

ABA studies revealed 7 traits clients want from their lawyers. Failure to provide those 7 traits results in unhappy clients, providing the 7 traits results in happy clients.

Chapter 56 How to Lose Clients $0.99

Why do clients not “go back” to the lawyer? The results may surprise you.

Chapter 57 Cases and Clients That Should Be Turned Down $0.99

There are certain types of clients and cases that should never be accepted. They are illustrated in this chapter.

Chapter 58 The Prospective Client File $0.99

A client or case turned down today can turn into a client, or case, or referral many years from today with proper record keeping.

Chapter 59 How to Say “No” to a Client or Case $0.99

You must learn how and when to say “no” to a client or prospective client if you want future work and referrals from that person. Form letters are provided.

Chapter 60 Accepting Cases With Doubtful Merit $0.99

Cases that appear to have doubtful merit may become meritorious as the facts and law develop. A knowledgeable client may be willing, under certain circumstances, to pay large amounts of legal fees to achieve a goal on what appears to be a losing case.

Chapter 61 Damage Control If You Are Fired $0.99

Getting fired by a client is not the end of the world. Handled properly, the client may come back to you or refer others to you in the future. Handling the discharge poorly may get you a bar complaint to go along with an unpaid fee.

Part V: Setting Fees

Chapter 62 The Fee and Representation Letter (The Engagement Letter) $0.99

TIt is critical that you have a separate fee and representation letter for every matter. A sample letter with 37 potential points is provided.

Chapter 63 Referral Fees or Division of Fees $0.99

In order to receive or pay referral fees or to divide fees with a lawyer, certain rules must be observed.

Chapter 64 Engagement Letters, Nonengagement Letters, and Disengagement Letters $0.99

It is critical to protect yourself and the client if you decide to drop a client or matter. Sample letters are provided.

Chapter 65 Balancing the Public’s Need for Legal Services and the New Lawyer’s Need to Eat $0.99

Whether or not to accept clients who can’t pay. There is more than one way to help clients who cannot pay for what they need.

Chapter 66 How to Set Your Fees $0.99

Setting fees is always a huge question mark for the new lawyer and sometimes for experienced lawyers as well. Included in this chapter is the whimsical “Big Mac” formula for fee charging, which has been widely copied by others.

Chapter 67 Making Yourself Affordable Without Lowering Your Fee (Alternative Billing Arrangements) $0.99

Often a client can afford your services but doesn’t realize that he or she can. Additional sources of client ability to pay legal fees are illuminated in this chapter.

Chapter 68 Don’t Quote Fees or Give Legal Advice over the Telephone or by E-mail to New Clients $0.99

Why you must get the potential client into your office before quoting a fee.

Chapter 69 “Cash Up Front”-Shelly’s Rule and Foonberg’s Rule $0.99

Foonberg’s Rule – Chanted by tens of thousands of lawyers.

Chapter 70 Getting Money Up Front from New Clients $0.99

How Abraham Lincoln handled new clients. You can do the same by using “Foonberg’s Rule.”

Chapter 71 Cash Fees $0.99

Cash fees can tempt you. Be careful!

Chapter 72 Client Costs $0.99

Client costs (money expended for a client) can be a serious problem in an otherwise simple meritorious matter. Client costs being too high can result in poor service.

Chapter 73 The Importance of Cash Up Front for Survival (Also Known as “Foonberg’s Rule”) $0.99

Foonberg’s Rule – worth reading as often as you can before accepting a new client.

Chapter 74 Getting Paid by Client Credit Card $0.99

Accepting credit cards can result in more net profit to you.

Chapter 75 Financing Your Practice with Bank Credit Cards $0.99

Financing your practice with credit cards can be dangerous, but it can be done. Read this chapter to get the fundamentals.

Chapter 76 How to Get Cash Up Front to Reduce Bad Debts and Increase Cash Flow and Avoid Going Under $0.99

Cash flow is critical to success. In this chapter I suggest simple ways to ask for, and get, cash up front.

Chapter 77 How to Word Invoices That Clients Are Happy to Pay $0.99

Your invoice can and should tell a story about you, what you did, and why you are entitled to payment. This chapter can help you word your invoice.

Chapter 78 The Importance of Monthly Billing $0.99

Why monthly billing is best for you and for the client.

Chapter 79 Final Billing on Completion of a Matter $0.99

Final Billing. Final bills are the ones that often don’t get paid. Understanding why this is so can help you avoid the problem. This chapter includes the famous “Client’s Curve of Gratitude.” This chart illustrates graphically why final bills must be sent immediately. This often copied chart was developed by me, based on a real live case, and is framed on many lawyer’s walls and desks. This one chart is worth the price of the entire book.

Chapter 80 How to Make Clients Happy to Pay Legal Fees by Selling Them Stationery $0.99

You may feel you are selling advice. Clients often feel you are selling them paper which embodies the advice. Read why bombarding your clients with paper is critical to your success.

Chapter 81 How to Make Money by Reading Advance Sheets, Technical Journals and E-mail Law Bulletins $0.99

Convert learning time into cash. You spend time to keep current on the law, often your clients would be happy to learn what you just learned, and be happy to pay for their education. Learn how to do it./p>

Chapter 82 Typical Client Costs $0.99

Before commencing work on a matter you should learn what out of pocket costs may be needed. The client may not realize that these costs are in addition to the fee. Typical client’s costs are listed.

Chapter 83 Can You or Should You Pay or Receive “Forwarding Fees” or Referral Fees? $0.99

Improper payment (or receipt) of legal fees to, or from, other lawyers can get you disbarred. Payments to, or from, non lawyers is playing with fire. The pluses and minuses of forwarding fees, referral fees, and division of fees is discussed.

Chapter 84 “Bedside Manner” in Setting Fees $0.99

Setting a fee and asking for it can be intimidating if you don’t know how to do it. This chapter can help you learn.

Chapter 85 Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) $0.99

Alternate dispute resolution will be a major area of practice. Learn what it is and when to suggest it.

Chapter 86 When and How to Withdraw from a Nonpaying Matter $0.99

Knowing how, and when, to withdraw from a matter is something you must be prepared for and be able to do. Sample solutions and form letters are provided in this chapter.

Part VI: Managing the Law Office

Chapter 87 Management of the Law Office-General Comments $0.99

An overview of how management can make a difference in net income.

Chapter 88 Time Management 101-Finding Time and the To-Do Lists $0.99

Time management is critical to successful professional success and balancing one’s life. The “To Do” List” is critical for effective time management. How to make and use an effective “To Do List” is explained in this chapter.

Chapter 89 Organizing Your Day and Your Life to Make More Money by Planning and List-Making $0.99

How to use a “To Do List” to achieve success is explained.

Chapter 90 Managing Telephone Communications-Never Let the Sun Set on an Unreturned Call $0.99

Telephone call management is critical to client satisfaction and malpractice protection. A basic simple system for keeping records of who said what is provided with forms.

Chapter 91 Organizing Your Desk to Make More Money $0.99

Your desk is where you will earn much of your income and have many meetings with clients and others. Give thought to what belongs on your desk and where it belongs. This chapter will provide suggestions.

Chapter 92 How to Keep Time Records to Make More Money and to Preserve Evidence of Work Done $0.99

Accurate time records are absolutely critical in most practices either for billing purposes or management purposes. Learn at least one easy to use system. My system is explained for you to copy.

Chapter 93 Getting Ready for Your First Clients $0.99

A potential client calls with a potential new matter for you. Now what? This chapter will help you prepare for that client and be ready to get started before they walk in the door.

Chapter 94 Typical Court Forms $0.99

Court forms are usually available for free from the internet or can be gotten cheaply or for free from the courts. Getting the forms and using them properly will help you practice more efficiently, especially with your first cases in the area of law involved. Learn the best practice areas for getting and using court forms.

Chapter 95 Sample Generic Checklists and Forms $0.99

More than 100 questions to ask when someone needs a living will or a simple will or has criminal law problem.

Chapter 96 Your First Court Appearances $0.99

No need to panic when a client wants you to start a lawsuit or has a trial or hearing coming up. Learn what to do.

Chapter 97 How to Interview a Client $0.99

What to say and do in your first interview with the client or potential client.From the time you say “hello” in the reception room until you say “goodbye” in the reception room.

Chapter 98 What Clients Want: Learn How to Listen to Clients When They Talk (Foonberg’s Rules of Listening) $0.99

Clients want you to listen more than they want you to talk. Learn the basics.

Chapter 99 How to Conduct a Meeting (Foonberg’s Ten Rules) $0.99

A well run meeting instills confidence in you. A poorly run meeting will cause clients and potential clients to be concerned over your ability to represent them. Learn Foonberg’s 10 steps to running a meeting.

Chapter 100 Preceptors and Internships $0.99

Here is a list of things you might want to do to get your feet wet as a new lawyer.

Chapter 101 The MacCrate Report $0.99

Here is a list of what lawyers do in addition to research and writing.

Chapter 102 Negotiating Skills $0.99

As a lawyer you will spend much of your time negotiating. These tips can help you negotiate any matter.

Chapter 103 How to Maintain Bank Accounts $0.99

Bank accounts and bankers are part of your office requirements. The basis of dealing with both is explained.

Chapter 104 How to Maintain a Trust Account to Avoid Disbarment $0.99

Trust account violations are an express highway to disbarment. I will quote one sentence from this chapter, “if you ignore this section of my book, you are not only a fool, you are a damned fool.”

Chapter 105 Insurance Needs of the New Lawyer $0.99

What to look for in a malpractice insurance policy as well as other required and useful insurances are explained.

Chapter 106 Don’t Forget Taxes and Licenses $0.99

Tax and license requirements are easy to overlook. Don’t make that mistake.

Chapter 107 Why You Need a Personnel Manual $0.99

A personnel manual is an employee – employer Bill of Rights and can prevent or settle many disputes. Typical areas of coverage are set forth.

Chapter 108 Bookkeeping and Accounting Systems $0.99

Keeping books for income, receipts and trust accounts is not optional. I have prepared a new lawyer chart of accounts for the new lawyer and the CPA.

Chapter 109 The Office Cash Flow Survival Budget $0.99

Cash flow is essential for survival and for flourishing. A new lawyer 12 month cash flow budget form is included in this chapter.

Chapter 110 The Paperless Office vs. The Less Paper Office $0.99

Paperless will never be possible. Less paper is possible. Read why this is so.

Chapter 111 Paper and Computer Document Management $0.99

Law is a paper generating profession. Even information kept in a computer is there in the event a written print out may someday be required. A simple system is enclosed.

Chapter 112 Organizing Your computer Files $0.99

If you already know Word or Word Perfect or another word processing system skip this chapter.

Chapter 113 Simple Hard-Copy Filing Systems for the New Lawyer $0.99

Paper files must be organized and maintained.

Chapter 114 Distinguishing Between “Prospective,” “Active,” “Closed” and “Dead” Files $0.99

Is a file “prospective,” “active,” “closed” or “dead” – learn the difference.

Chapter 115 Closing and Disposing of Files $0.99

At some point you either have to close files or else get warehouse facilities. Prepare to close the file the day you open it.

Chapter 116 Destroying Old Files $0.99

Destroying old files can be problematic. A lawyer or client may ask for the “client’s file.” What to give and what to keep is discussed.

Chapter 117 Destroying Old Files When the Client Has Disappeared or You Did Not Follow Proper File-Closing Procedures $0.99

At some point you may have to destroy a file when you can’t find the client. What to do is spelled out.

Chapter 118 What to Do With Electronic File Data $0.99

From punch cards to 8″ floppies to memory sticks the highway of law office management is littered with the corpses of equipment and systems that no longer exist or are no longer supported. This check list may help prevent a lot of problems.

Chapter 119 Fondling the Files $0.99

There is no substitute for periodically examining the file contents. What to look for and what to do is explained. This Chapter contains excellent form letters to send to the client along with a list of who does what.

Chapter 120 How to Build a Good Form File $0.99

As you practice you will build form files from forms you have created and forms created by others. This chapter will help you start your form files.

Chapter 121 Library Needs and Costs $0.99

Library expense for books can be a bottomless pit of wasted money. Learn alternative less expensive sources and free sources of what you need in a new

Chapter 122 How to Buy Law Books (If You Buy Them at All) $0.99

Buying library books can easily be wasted money. Read what to look for.

Chapter 123 Saving Money by Eliminating Postage and Express Delivery Services $0.99

Email, effectively used can reduce or eliminate postage expense and express delivery expense. Learn when to use email.

Chapter 124 Squeezing Extra Hours into the Day to Make More Money $0.99

Do the math. Saving 15 minutes/day can allow you to bill $6,000/year more at $100/hour, 30 minutes/day translates into $12,000/year. This chapter includes many time saving tips.

Chapter 125 Timely Delivery of Work $0.99

Getting the work done on time only requires a simple tickler system and an intent to overcome procrastination. Learn how to do both to get the work done on time.

Chapter 126 Should You Use a Telephone Receptionist, Telephone Exchange, Mechanical Answering Device, Telephone Company Service, or Voice Mail? $0.99

Whether to try to save the expense of a receptionist is always a difficult decision to make. Read some pros and cons and then decide.

Chapter 127 Why You Should Use Investigators $0.99

Investigators can make a weak case strong and a strong case stronger. Learn why they can be a good investment.

Part VII: Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Chapter 128 Professional Responsibility and Practice Management $0.99

It is important to understand what ABA Rules mean and what effect they can have on your practice. This chapter connects the American Legal System to our Rules of Professional Conduct.

Chapter 129 The Profession of Law Is Not the Business Of Law $0.99

There are those who call law a business and prostitution a profession. Law is not a business, it is a profession. Read this chapter to understand the difference and why those who declare law to be a business often are not practicing lawyers.

Chapter 130 Handling Anti-Lawyer Jokes and Comments $0.99

Those who tell anti-lawyer jokes in front of you are challenging both you and your chosen profession. Some appropriate responses to anti-lawyer jokes are offered.

Chapter 131 Fifty-Two Ways to Win or Avoid the Ethics War $0.99

Defending yourself against an ethics complaint is a lose – lose situation. Avoiding an ethics war is preferable to winning an ethics war. It is easier and cheaper to stay out of trouble than it is to get out of trouble. This one chapter covers 52 ways that well meaning lawyers can inadvertently get into trouble and how to avoid the problems.

Chapter 132 What Are the Consequences of ‘Violating’ the Canons of Professional Ethics, the Code of Professional Responsibility, or the Model Rules of Professional Conduct $0.99

Chapter 133 Ten Rules for Avoiding Disciplinary Complaints $0.99

Ten simple ways to avoid common ethics complaints are provided in this chapter.

Chapter 134 Practicing Professional Responsibility $0.99

Some consider ethics rules to be rules of conduct. Others consider ethics rules to be goals. In either case you should understand the sources of those rules.

Chapter 135 A Short History of Our Ethics $0.99

American lawyers have only had ethical “rules” or “duties” for less than 200 years. Under the American system, unlike many other systems, loyalty is to the client, not the state nor the transaction. Understanding the history given in 2 short pages is well worth the investment.

Chapter 136 The ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility and the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct $0.99

It is important to understand the ABA Code of Professional Responsibility and the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and their effect if violated.

Chapter 137 Ten Commandments of Good Trust Accounts $0.99

These ten rules of trust account management will help you avoid the trust account expressway to disbarment.

Chapter 138 What to Call Yourself $0.99

What should you call yourself? Lawyer? Attorney? ESQ.? or something else? This chapter will help you decide.

Chapter 139 Dealing with Foreign Lawyers $0.99

Don’t assume that just because a foreign “lawyer” speaks English that he or she understands American legal ethics or American laws. You may inadvertently cause a loss of attorney client privilege by dealing with the wrong person. This chapter can help you be aware of differences in the extent of privilege.

Chapter 140 Buying and Building a Law Practice $0.99

It is becoming increasingly possible to buy a law practice from another lawyer, a sample fact situation is given in this chapter.

Chapter 141 Avoiding Disciplinary Problems $0.99

There are 15 areas of practice management differences that are considered important in avoiding ethics complaints. These 15 areas are listed in this chapter.

Part VIII: Resources and Advice

Chapter 142 Where to Go for Help $0.99

I have tried to reduce more than 300 books and publications into this one book to help new lawyers save time and money. Many of the short chapters are the subjects of treatises. Some sources of additional help are given.

Chapter 143 Getting Free Management Help from Your Local Law Practice Management Advisor $0.99

A local bar funded practice management advisor may be the best resource available to you. Listed more than 40 areas of practice management assistance they may provide.

Chapter 144 The Importance of Continuing Education $0.99

Continuing legal education whether mandatory or not, is critical to your remaining competent to practice law. Continuing education is important in management and client relations as well. Some sources are listed consistent with your needs.

Chapter 145 The Wheel Has Been Invented $0.99

A 1932 incident revolutionized one person’s law practice income. It can help you understand how basics remain basics in starting and managing a practice.

Chapter 146 How to Manage and Collect Accounts Receivable $0.99

An account receivable is 100% profit after the work is done. Proper management of accounts receivable is critical to both you and the client. Techniques for collecting accounts receivable are given in this chapter.

Chapter 147 Where to Get Cost-Effective Help to Build and Expand Your Practice $0.99

Getting help – the next step after this book. I unabashedly recommend a book I have written and updated 3 times called How to Get and Keep Good Clients.

Chapter 148 Foonberg’s Short Course in Good Client Relations $0.99

This chapter contains 67 short tips to remind you of many of the things you can learn from this book.

Chapter 149 The Importance of Doing It Right $0.99

Always do it right. Always take the high road. When you strive to “Do It Right” you will. It may take you an excess amount of time the first time you do anything, but you must still “Do It Right.” This chapter illustrates how I got my first client because I insisted on “Doing It Right.”

Chapter 150 Checklist for Opening Your First Law Office $0.99

This checklist of about 100 things that a lawyer opening a practice must do. This list is classic and worth the price of the book by itself.

Part IX: Quality of Life

Chapter 151 Quality of Life-Dealing with Difficult People $0.99

Dealing with difficult lawyers, clients and judges isn’t easy but must be learned. Some tips are given.

Chapter 152 Quality of Life for the New Lawyer Starting a Practice $0.99

Quality of life can be illusive for a lawyer starting a practice. This chapter contains 19 suggestions for maintaining a quality of life for the new lawyer or indeed any lawyer.

Chapter 153 Quality of Life-September 11, 2001 $0.99

September 11, 2001 (9/11) changed the definition of Quality of Life for many people. Learn Foonberg’s Rule and use it.

Chapter 154 Epilogue: Proof That This Book Works $0.99

This book really works. Read how it helped 100 law students and can help you.