Most Frequently Purchased Chapters From How to Start & Build a Law Practice
Chapter 15 The Written “Business Plan” $0.99 
The written business plan. You should not start your law practice without a written business plan. There are dozens of free business plans available on the internet, and many are sold by consultants who want you as customers for their services and products. This over simplified plan is expressly designed for lawyers starting a practice who have never done a business plan in the past.
Chapter 66 How to Set Your Fees $0.99 
Setting fees is always a huge question mark for the new lawyer and sometimes for experienced lawyers as well. Included in this chapter is the whimsical “Big Mac” formula for fee charging, which has been widely copied by others.
Chapter 14 Sole Practice v. Partnership v. Shared Office $0.99 
Sole practice vs. partnership vs. shared office. There are pluses in being alone and other pluses to being with others. Some considerations are offered.
Chapter 33 How to Market Your Services $0.99 
Getting the word out proclaiming that you are ready to accept clients is a critical first step in your marketing efforts. Read this chapter and start preparing immediately.
Chapter 104 How to Maintain a Trust Account to Avoid Disbarment $0.99 
Trust account violations are an express highway to disbarment. I will quote one sentence from this chapter, “if you ignore this section of my book, you are not only a fool, you are a damned fool.”
Most Frequently Purchased Chapters From How to Get & Keep Good Clients
D-5 The Importance of Correct Verbal Identification (“What Kind of Law Do You Practice?”) $0.99 
This chapter will demonstrate that how you answer the question, “What kind of law do you practice?” can have a major impact on success or failure in your practice development. The wrong answer causes people to go elsewhere. This chapter contains some workable solutions and responses. Chapter D-5 A may be helpful as well.
M-14 Using the Client’s Curve of Gratitude to Increase Cash Flow $0.99 
The client’s curve of gratitude is used in almost every law school that teaches practice management. Lawyers have told me they keep a framed copy at their desk facing them to be continually reminded. This chapter contains the famous client’s curve of gratitude.
D-32 How to “Work a Room” and Make Small Talk to Get New Clients $0.99 
When you enter a room full of hundreds of people you don’t know, you should be thinking, “There are no strangers here, just a lot of potential clients I haven’t met yet.” Learn what to do and what to say and how to do it to get clients from a room full of people you don’t know.
D-5A Sixty-Four Wrong Ways to Answer the Question, “What Kind of Law Do You Practice?” $0.99 
This chapter contains 64 wrong answers to the question, “What kind of law do you practice?” This chapter should be read in conjunction with chapter D-5.
D-6 The Role of Clothing in Marketing Yourself $0.99 
We tend to wear the clothes we like to wear instead of the clothes we should wear. How you dress will in fact have a big impact on your Getting & Keeping Good Clients. Learn what to consider when selecting the clothing you wear.